In vitro skin sensitisation/ uptake/ activation - Marie Curie DN ALLPreT project ESR7

This PhD project is part of the Marie Curie DN ALLPreT. ALLPreT focuses on improving allergenicity assessment of novel foods by exploring this new field of research on de novo sensitisation by novel foods and developing a toolbox of in vitro/in vivo/in silico allergenicity prediction tools that are scientifically sound and validated and can easily be used by industry and food safety authorities. 10 doctoral candidates all over Europe (ESR1-10) will work on different aspects of food allergy risk assessment in interconnected projects, in conjunction with academic and industrial partners.

This specific project (ESR7) aims to contribute to the allergenicity toolbox and identification of sensitization routes by developing and validating an in vitro skin model. With this model, we hope to identify biomarkers to distinguish food allergens from non-allergens, determine the effect of matrix on skin and identify differences between dermal, oral and respiratory routes of sensitization (partly in close collaboration with other ESRs and our partners).

Birte Hell